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HSi: Celebrating 10 Years with a CEO Conversation – Part 2


Businesses measure success in different ways: sales, clients, cost per item, return on investment … and many others. For Gerry Bartley, chairman and CEO of Health Systems Informatics, a key yardstick is the percentage of clients willing to go “on the record” as satisfied customers.

To achieve a strong referenceable client base, a company not only must adapt but anticipate changes that still could be a year away.

“Over the past 10 years we’ve had up arrows, down arrows, and sideways arrows,” Bartley said, describing trends in assistance requested by customers since the company’s launch.

“In the first five years, analytics and business intelligence represented 51% of our business,” he said. “With emphasis in other areas, that number is now less than 20%.”

Specialized consultants with backgrounds as nurses, pharmacists, and clinicians were among clients’ top needs. Certifications in specific computer programs also were a must “before anybody would look at (candidates),” he said.  Today, as computer programs for specific departments such as radiology and laboratories become more sophisticated, Bartley said consultants with super-specialized skills and education are in significant demand.

Equally as important to many HSi clients are experienced project managers, skilled in multiple areas who can keep all the bowling pins in the air at the same time. While project management certification is readily available, a candidate’s track record in shepherding short- and long-term strategic transitions might carry more weight with a customer. The ebb and flow of clients’ needs reflects more than just changes in technology, Bartley added. Government regulations, accrediting standards, and other influences impact what a hospital, lab, or other healthcare provider needs from a consulting partner.

One of HSi’s strengths is its own system of tracking the work of its consultants, Bartley said. The proprietary program provides insight into trends and needs among customers. This additional information helps HSi adjust to crucial, necessary, pivots in services.

“We track all of our hours, deliverables, and what a consultant has done for a client over and above what their job is,” he said. “What we really try to do is hire multi-disciplined people so they can be more than just a specialist who can’t look at anything else.”

Health Systems Informatics is marking its 10th anniversary with a series of posts featuring Chairman and CEO Gerry Bartley.  Read the next installment touching on the unique way HSi’s  equips customers to make decisions with confidence:HSi: Celebrating 10 Years with a CEO Conversation – Part 3 

Missed Part 1? Find it here: HSi: Celebrating 10 Years with a CEO Conversation – Part 1

About HSi
Health Systems Informatics provides affordable IT consulting services to a diverse healthcare clientele across the U.S. HSi is built on a foundation of robust, diverse, healthcare talent and a “clients as partners” business philosophy. With expertise both wide and deep, consultants meet an array of needs such as strategic services, vendor selection management, and support, clinical informatics, healthcare information and analytics, EHR implementation and support, system and process optimization, meaningful use strategy and execution, project and change management, and legacy system support.

For details about our core services, client case studies, and insight from our consultants, visit the website at Look for HSi on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.


Media Contact:
Danielle Sage
1-844-HSi-CORP (1-844-474-2677)

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