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Health Systems informatics (HSi) President and COO Randy Carson Honored as a Life Member at HIMSS Award Gala


HIMSS recognizes individuals whose personal achievements have helped improve health with information technology

Bainbridge Island, Wash., Feb 21, 2017—Health Systems informatics (HSi), a healthcare consulting and solutions firm, today announced Randy Carson, President and COO of HSi, was named a 2016 HIMSS Life Member during the HIMSS Award Gala at the 2017 HIMSS conference & Exhibition in Orlando, Florida, on February 21, 2017.  The prestigious awards program recognizes outstanding contributions to HIMSS and the field of healthcare information technology.  The HIMSS Life Member category requires service to the society and industry for no less than 30 years.

“Randy brings a combination of vision, leadership and value-focused philosophy to all he does,” says Gerry Bartley, Chairman and CEO of HSi.  “HSi has grown into one of the top boutique EHR, analytics and Population Health consulting companies in the nation, as a result of his guidance, industry expertise and passion.”

Randy has over three decades of proven healthcare leadership with a variety of experience ranging from executive leadership and management engineering to information technology and value management. Prior to co-founding HSi, Randy was the Vice President of Organizational Design and Transformation at Healthcare Informatics Associates (HIA) and held CEO positions at Healthcare Corporation of America (HCA) and Netcare, Inc.

In addition, Randy’s commitment to the advancement of healthcare IT and analytics shows through his professional affiliation and participation as a Life Fellow of HIMSS (LFHIMSS), sitting on the HIMSS National Board of Directors from 1991 to 1995 and Finance Chair in 1995 as well as a long-time Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE).  He is also a member of the Tennessee HIMSS Chapter, serving on the Board of Directors from 1987 to 1990 and as President in 1990.

About HSi

Health Systems informatics (HSi) is a healthcare consulting and solutions firm focused on delivering high quality consulting and support services that enable healthcare organizations to select, implement, manage and optimize the right information technology applications and systems to yield and maintain best practices. We remain focused on providing value-driven results in strategic services, clinical informatics, data and information management, EHR implementation, system and process optimization, meaningful use strategy and execution, project and change management and value management services. Built on a foundation of robust, diverse, healthcare talent and a “clients as partners” business philosophy, HSi provides value and support in today’s ever-changing healthcare market. For more information, visit



Media Contact:

Kristi Andrae

(641) 715-3900 x 320604

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