Knowledge Center


A Deeper Look – August 2019


SafetyNET for Reporting Services

SafetyNET is set up for assisting clients of all sizes and project needs while proactively managing costs by bringing the key values of flexibility and a readiness to take on a challenge at any time.

Healthcare organizations face numerous challenges as they work behind the scenes helping providers deliver excellent patient care.  With ever-changing report and data needs, along with the sheer volume of data collected and used daily, it is hard to know what the area of focus will be from week to week.  Complicating matters, the skills required to support each area’s data needs can be very different.  Coupled with other potential factors – limited workforce, restricted financial resources, location – you may find yourself playing the acrobat while trying to meet the reporting needs of your organization.   HSi’s recently rebranded SafetyNET program is an ideal option for bridging the gap.

Offering a flexibly structured contract, SafetyNET provides access to the breadth and depth of skills and experience held by our collective team of reporting consultants.  With the ability to flex up or down as needs dictate, there is no requirement to commit to a full-time consultant unnecessarily, making it a budget- and resource-friendly choice.  Having launched this service in 2006, we have operated in this structure with diverse clients, in an array of sizes, and many situations.  Our SafetyNET projects have included:

EHR implementation (from project kickoff to Go-Live)

Delivering oversight and assistance to reporting teams at various points in the business cycle

Supporting Community Connect sites’ specific reporting needs

Providing data for Meaningful Use and other regulatory programs

Gathering and supplying data for research studies and other grant programs

Developing and supporting 3rd-party data extracts

Addressing reporting backlog and reporting help desk support

…and more!

Knowing that challenges come in different shapes and sizes, and most always when least expected, SafetyNET is a unique service that ensures clients receive the right resources at the right time for the right project at the right price.  Being able to partner with an organization and help them find success is at the heart of our mission. Of our SafetyNET program, Stephanie Hojan,  HSi COO says, “My favorite aspect of the SafetyNET relationship is we get to know an organization really well, understanding their needs and goals, and then become an extra set of hands to help them see those goals come to fruition!”

Whether your organization is looking for access to reporting backlog support, availability for high-peak demands, coverage for vacation, holiday and staff vacancies, or simply needing those extra hands to free your internal staff for more pressing projects,  HSi SafetyNET is there to catch you.  You can get more detailed information and discuss how the SafetyNET for Reporting Services can help your organization by reaching out to or contacting us at (844) HSi-CORP ext. 1.

Minimize costs while maximizing results.

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